प्राथमिक शिक्षक शिक्षा महाविद्यालय, मसौढ़ी,पटना 

             Primary Teacher Education College,Masaurhi,Patna(PTEC Masaurhi,Patna)

                   (D.El.Ed Teacher Training College,run by Education Department Government of Bihar) 

Notice Board

Expression of Interest (EOI ) by SCERT,Patna For Resource Person (Last Date- 31.12.2024)...Click Here  

 Quotaions and Tenders 

Tender Notice No-01/2024-25 Tender Invited for  External and Internal Painting Work of Administrative Building (Last Date-21.01.2025,15.00 PM) ....Click Here

Notice No-12/2024- Quotation for Replacement of Windows Glass, Painting and Repairing of Windows in Girls Hostel building (Last Date-28.11.2024) ....Click Here

Notice No-11/2024- Quotation for Replacement of Windows Glass, Painting and Repairing of Windows in Boys Hostel building (Last Date-28.11.2024) ....Click Here

Notice No-10/2024- Quotation for Replacement of Windows Glass, Painting and Repairing of Windows in Administrative building (Last Date-28.11.2024) ....Click Here

                                   Spot Admission 2024-26

 Second Round Spot Admission Selection List -      Click Here

Second round Spot Admission Final Merit List  (After Aapti)     -  Science     Arts & Commerce

Second round Spot Admission Provisional List(Last date of Aapti-14.09.2024)   -  Click Here

Third Waiting List for Spot Admission-  Click Here                 

Second waiting List for Spot Admission -   Click Here            

First waiting List for Spot Admission - Click Here

Selection List for Spot Admission --                   Science                               Arts                  

Final Merit List of Spot Admission-                      Science                                    Arts            


Provisional Merit List for Spot Admission (Last Date of Aapati-02.09.2024) 

                                                           Provisional Merit List(Science)                   Provisional Merit List (Arts)


            Admission Form                        Affidavite Formate

Quotation Notice No-8/2024- For Supply of Stationary and Contingent Materials in Teachers Training (Last Date-06.07.2024).....Click Here

Quotation Notice No-7/2024- For Carpenting Works-Repairing of Doors and Bench-Desk (Last Date-06.07.2024).....Click Here

Quotation Notice No-6/2024- For Toilets Repairing & Reinnovation (Last Date-24.06.2024).....Click Here

Quotation Notice No-5/2024- For Toilets Repairing & Reinnovation (Last Date-13.06.2024).....Click Here

Quotation Notice No-4/2024- For CCTV Supply and Installation  (Last Date-11.06.2024).....Click Here

Quotation Notice No-3/2024- For Educational Tour Buses (Last Date-24.05.2024).....Click Here

Quotation Notice No-1/2024- Installation of Water tank (Last Date-13.04.2024)......Click Here

Tender Date Extension Notice - Click Here

Short Term Tender Notice-  

Boundary Wall Construction Tender (Last Date-16.01.2024)

Second Spot Admission 2023-25   

 द्वितीय स्पॉट नामांकन हेतु आवेदन की तिथि  04.01.2024 से 08.01.2024 तक        Notice       Application Form

Short Term Tender Notice-    

     -Demolition Work Tender (Last Date-12.01.2024 )

     -Earth Filling Work Tender (Last Date-10.01.2024)

    Pre Fab Tender Notice for Boys Hostel(Part-B) 

Short Term Tender Notice-    


                  Pre Fab Tender Notice                      Boundary Wall Tender Notice

सत्र -2022-24 के प्रथम वर्ष के प्रशिक्षुओं के  रजिस्ट्रेशन  की तिथि -25.02.2023 से  27.02.2023  तक विस्तारित .....Click Here

सत्र -2022-24 के प्रथम वर्ष के प्रशिक्षुओं के  रजिस्ट्रेशन  की तिथि -16.02.2023  तक विस्तारित .....Click Here

सत्र -2022-24 के प्रथम वर्ष के प्रशिक्षुओं का रजिस्ट्रेशन  दिनांक-03.02.2023 से दिनांक-07.02.2023  तक ....Click Here

                          सत्र -2022-24 में सभी सीटों पर नामांकन पूर्ण .